
Let's Vote Campaign In Hyderabad

The day of polling is day of holiday for enjoying. Go out and cast your
vote to responsible citizen for betterment of life around us. This is the
messege by the Let's Vote campaign launched in Hyderabad.

Let's Vote Campaign In Hyderabad

Business leaders, professionals and people from other walks of life
gathered here on Sunday KBR Park support the campaign organized by
the Indus Entrepreneurs (TIE), Hyderabad chapter. The campaign was
aimed at raising awareness to recognize and understand
how important it is for everyone to vote.

Holding placards urging citizens to exercise their right to vote, participants
in the march to stroll through the park, which is thronged daily by a large
number of people from Banjar Hills, Jubliee the surrounding hills and other
locations, elegant. For more information Click here.

Vote in Let's Vote campaign then official link.


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