
Shaun Donovan Select For Secretary Of Housing And Urban Development

As we know the Obama is come in white house after some time. This day
is known as Inaugration day. So on this day Bush have to leave this white
house and Obama is enter in this white house. But our Mr. President have
to select the persons for the differ work so for Secretary of housing and
urban development Barack Obama select the best known man Shaun

Shaun Donovan

If confirmed by the Senate, Shaun Donovan will lead to the Housing and
Urban Development Department at the time the mortgage loan crisis is the
fault of the financial market turmoil, which dragged the nation in recession.

Obama praised Donovan's record in New York, where he led the
7.5-trillion-dollar plan to cast half a million school in affordable housing.
Harvard-educated architect Foreclosures also kept to a minimum in the city
of low and moderate income ownership of the house plan, and only five
participants, 17,000 homes.

"We can not continue to throw your money on this issue, hoping for another
result," Obama said during his radio address released early Saturday.
"We must face the challenge of old housing at affordable prices with new energy,
new ideas and a new, effective style of leadership. We need to understand that the
old ways of looking at our cities, not only".

More than 259,000 homes received foreclosure-related announcement in November,
up 28 percent from a year earlier, RealtyTrac reported last week. News comes as the
Mortgage Bankers Association reported a record 10 in the U.S. home mortgage has
been, or at least a month for their payments or exclusion from the end of September.


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