
2009 Rose Bowl Parade

Rose Bowl Parade

There are many traditions of the New Year, many of which include
food and football. Hoppin 'John is a traditional dish eaten in the
southern states, while my Italian heritage credentials lentils. Football has
never been my thing, but in the Centennial tournament with Roses Parade
is a completely different story.

This year, parades, demonstrations, which floats made mainly of flowers
and other items grown, he worked from Pasadena KTLA television stations,
to allow viewers to vote for their favorite float 46 flowers and prize entries as
the winner of the first Subscribers' Choice Award. Of these, 46, 43 were
eligible for evaluation.

Rose Bowl Parade

By visit site you can vote 10 am - 6 pm PST
(1 pm - 9 pm EST). You can watch this on NBC at 11:00 am.USC will be on
ABC at 5 pm.

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